

Sunday 5 May 2019

        The Bachelor of Talmudic Law (BTL), Bachelor of Talmudic Studies (BTS) and First Talmudic Degree (FTD) are law degrees, comprising the study, analysis, and application of ancient Talmudical, Biblical, and other historical sources. The laws derived from these texts comprise the origin of many of today’s judicial systems.

1 Program content
1.1 Examples of case studies
2 Accreditation and recognition
3 See also
4 References

Program content
Undergraduate programs conferring this degree involve studying the legal principles and concepts of Jewish Law, covering civil, criminal and matrimonial law. The course also includes the study of applicable tort, property and contract law. Furthermore, the program also covers legal jurisprudence, judicial systems – including the validity of witnesses and judges – and dispute resolution. A large part of the curriculum focuses on textual analysis, principles of logic, game theory, probability calculus, and critical reasoning. Many programs emphasize the cosmopolitan implications of the principal content areas, thus preparing graduates to assume leadership and professional positions in a wide array of professional and academic fields. Almost all the studied texts are in Aramaic or Hebrew, and the program requires a working knowledge of both languages to facilitate the understanding and examination of these sources. In many institutions, this degree is a prerequisite to the study for Semicha, Rabbinic Ordination. At accredited institutions, this degree requires 120 credit hours of study.

Examples of case studies
An example of a specific case studied is that of agricultural business with annual tax obligations, wanting to pay its tithe early, using estimation to evaluate the required amount. Legal discussion is based around the issue of interest charged if the amount proves too high, and extra benefit if the approximated figure falls below that for this year's crop. Obviously, such cases have clear parallels to those arising in the English legal system.

An additional illustration of the use these ancient concepts in modern-day use is the precedent in Haley v London Electricity Board,[4] holding liable the owner of such holes or public dangers that may cause injury to unaware passers-by. In Jewish law, this concept is known as “pits in public thoroughfares” and has wide-reaching tort implications.

Bachelor of Science in Law

           The Bachelor of Science in Law (BSL) is a somewhat special-purpose undergraduate degree that is typically intended for students who have completed some undergraduate education, but not received a baccalaureate degree, and are intending to resume their education and commence the study of law, ultimately towards a Juris Doctor degree, but need a bachelor's degree first. Academic work at the start of a law program is sometimes combined with previous academic credit to form the basis of a BSL award. The BSL degree is also sometimes intended for students who do not intend to attend law school but are instead becoming paralegals or other legal assistants.

Saturday 4 May 2019

Bachelor of Civil Law

About the course :

        The Bachelor of Civil Law (BCL) is a world-renowned taught graduate course in law, designed to serve outstanding law students from common law backgrounds. The academic standard is significantly higher than that required in a first law degree, and only those with outstanding first law degrees are admitted.

You will choose four courses from a list of around 40 different options, including a dissertation option. All options are taught by a combination of lectures and/or seminars and tutorials apart from the dissertation option, which involves one-to-one sessions with an assigned supervisor.

Seminars are normally led by a senior member of academic staff but are typically interactive in nature, and you will be expected to participate in the discussions arising from the material covered. Tutorials involve an intensive discussion between a tutor and a small group of students, usually between two and four, providing an opportunity for you to present your ideas and discuss your work with leading academics. Typically, seminars will introduce you to a particular area of study and familiarise you with general concepts and ideas which will then be investigated in greater depth in the tutorials. For most tutorials, you will be expected to write an essay, which typically will be marked and returned to you at the next tutorial.

Outside of the seminars and tutorials, you will be expected to read extensively in order to acquire the necessary knowledge to engage with course material at an appropriate level.